Nimesh Ghelani

Moving to Hugo

I have successfully migrated this website from Jekyll to Hugo. While jekyll served me well, the ruby dependency management drove me crazy at various occasions. I had spare time and wanted to give hugo a try.

What I like about Hugo

What I dislike about Hugo

A more unixy static site generator

Most static site frameworks are tied to a set of design decisions pertaining to an idealogy about how static site generation should be done. One of the common goals is to separate the site generation logic from the content. However, often I find myself using templating logic in my markdown files, adding some form of generation logic into my content. Honestly, this violation doesn’t bother me and I wish more frameworks let me have more control over embedding generation logic inside my content.

When I think about the functionalities I expect from a static site generator:

I want to try building a minimal static site generator which achieves the above, with maximal reliance on pluggable external tools. The design and PoC I have are very hacky and inefficient. That’s more of a reason I want to see through this.